Florida Child Custody Laws
Florida courts have initial jurisdiction over child custody cases if the child has lived in Florida for at least six consecutive months before the case starts. If a child is younger than six months, they must have lived in Florida from birth. This rule makes Florida the child’s “home state.”
Once a Florida court makes an initial custody decision, it usually holds exclusive and continuing jurisdiction. This means the court continues to have the authority to make all legal decisions about the child’s custody as long as the child or one of their parents continues to live in Florida. Even if the child moves, the original Florida court retains its jurisdiction until all parties involved have left the state or the court decides it no longer has a connection to the child. This ensures stability in the legal proceedings and enforcement of custody arrangements.
Overview of Custody Principles in Florida
There are two main types of custody in Florida: parental responsibility and parenting time. Parental responsibility, known as legal custody in some states, involves decision-making power regarding a child’s welfare. This includes the authority to make decisions about education, health care, religious upbringing, and other important aspects of the child’s life. Florida courts often encourage shared parental responsibility, meaning both parents work together to make these significant decisions for their children.
On the other hand, parenting time involves a parent’s right to spend time with their child. Some states refer to this type of custody as physical custody or visitation. Parenting time schedules can vary widely, depending on what the court decides is in the child’s best interests. Factors that can affect parenting time determinations include the parents’ work schedules, the child’s school commitments, and the location of each parent’s home.
Determining Child Custody in Florida
In Florida, judges are responsible for child custody determinations. They consider several factors to make their decisions, including the parents’ mental and physical health, the child’s needs, and each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment. Parents can propose their own custody agreements for judges to consider if they agree on all the terms. However, judges still have the final say and will only approve such agreements if they are in the child’s best interests.
Factors Judges Consider in Custody Decisions
Florida law includes a long list of factors that judges must consider when determining whether a custody arrangement will be in a child’s best interests. These factors include:
- The ability and willingness of each parent to maintain a close parent-child relationship, honor the custody schedule, and adapt reasonably to necessary changes
- The proposed division of parental responsibilities after the judge finalizes the case, including how much responsibility parents will delegate to third parties
- Each parent’s ability to prioritize the child’s needs over their own
- The length of time the child has lived in a stable environment and the importance of maintaining any such continuity
- The practicality of the parenting plan, especially regarding travel between separate homes and the child’s school needs
- The moral fitness of each parent
- The mental and physical health of each parent
- The child’s performance and behavior in home, school, and community settings
- The child’s preferences, if they are mature enough to make informed choices
- Each parent’s awareness and involvement in the child’s life and daily activities
- Each parent’s ability to provide a consistent routine for the child, including meals, discipline, daily schedules, and bedtime routines
- Each parent’s communication skills and willingness to present a “unified front” and keep the other informed about the child’s activities and issues
- Evidence of any domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, neglect, or reasonable belief that the child is in imminent danger of domestic violence
- Any false information a parent provides the court regarding violent or abusive situations
- The parenting tasks each parent typically performs and the division of parental responsibilities before and during the custody case
- Each parent’s involvement in the child’s school and extracurricular activities
- Each parent’s ability to maintain a substance-free environment for the child
- Each parent’s efforts to shield the child from the stresses of the custody case, including keeping the matter private and refraining from disparaging the other parent
- The child’s developmental needs and each parent’s ability to meet these needs
- Any other relevant factors that affect the specific parenting plan or time-sharing schedule
The Role of the Child’s Preference
In Florida, a judge may consider the child’s preference when making custody decisions, but this is only one of many factors. Before considering the child’s preference, the court will evaluate whether the child is old and mature enough to express a reasoned preference. If the child is sufficiently mature, the court will consider their preference about where and with whom they want to live but ultimately decide based on what is best for them.

Understanding Florida’s Parenting Plans
A parenting plan is a detailed document outlining how divorced or separated parents will raise their child. It includes the schedule of the times each parent will spend with the child, how they will share daily tasks, and who will make important decisions about the child’s upbringing. The plan also addresses communication between the parents. A well-constructed parenting plan is essential for providing structure and stability for a child after the parents’ relationship ends.
Key Components of a Parenting Plan
Florida law requires parenting plans to address certain key components, including:
- Health Care: Any and all forms of health care. If the court orders shared parental responsibility over health care decisions, either parent may consent to mental health treatment for the child unless stated otherwise in the parenting plan.
- School-related matters: This includes the address to be used for school boundary determination and registration.
- Daily Responsibilities: How the parents will share and manage the daily tasks associated with the child’s upbringing
- Time-Sharing Schedule: A schedule of when the child will spend time with each parent
- Communication Methods: The methods and technologies the parents will use to communicate with the child
Many parenting plans also include provisions for additional factors, such as:
- How parents will divide holidays, school breaks, and vacations with the child
- Who is responsible for transporting the child between homes and to other activities, including the logistics of pick-up and drop-off
- How parents will communicate with each other about the child, including the frequency, methods, and appropriate topics of communication
- Procedures for making decisions on significant issues like education, religious upbringing, and extracurricular activities
- Methods for resolving disagreements regarding the child or the parenting plan
- How parents will handle expenses related to the child, including day-to-day expenses and the costs of medical care, education, and extracurricular activities
- Any additional provisions necessary to accommodate a child’s special needs
- Agreements about sharing important information regarding the child, such as academic reports, health records, and updates on developmental progress
Examples of Custody and Time-Sharing Schedules
When parents separate or divorce, they need a specific schedule outlining how their children will split time between them. Here are some common types of custody and time-sharing schedules:
- One Week at a Time: The child lives with one parent for one week and then switches to the other parent the next week. This schedule works well for maintaining stability and reducing the frequency of exchanges.
- Two Weeks at a Time: Similar to the weekly exchange, the child stays with each parent for two weeks before switching. This reduces the transitions for the child but requires good communication and coordination between the parents.
- 3-4-4-3 Rotation: The child spends three days with one parent, then four days with the other. The following week, they spend four days with the first parent and three days with the second. This gives both parents significant time with the child each week.
- 2-2-5-5 Rotation: The child lives two days with one parent, two days with the other, then five days back with the first parent, and five days with the second. This schedule ensures that each parent has weekdays and weekends with the child.
- 2-3-2 Rotation: This schedule involves the child spending two days with one parent, three days with the other parent, and two days again with the first parent. This cycle repeats every week, allowing frequent contact with both parents.
Responsibilities and Rights of Divorced Parents
In Florida, divorced parents have specific rights and responsibilities regarding child custody unless a court determines such rights or responsibilities go against the child’s best interests. These rights and responsibilities promote each parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs and remain active in the child’s life. Here are some examples:
- Right to Information: Each parent has the right to receive information from the other parent about the child’s health, education, and welfare. This includes access to medical records, school reports, and updates on significant events.
- Responsibility to Support: Both parents must financially support their child. This includes covering daily living expenses, medical care, and educational costs, depending on the custody arrangement and each parent’s financial ability.
- Right to Parenting Time: Each parent has the right to spend time with their child according to the court-approved time-sharing schedule.
- Responsibility to Follow Court Orders: Parents must adhere to all aspects of the custody order, including the time-sharing schedule, decision-making agreements, and any specific provisions about travel or relocation with the child.
- Right to Make Decisions: Depending on the custody arrangement, either one or both parents have the right to make decisions about their child’s life.
- Responsibility to Foster a Positive Relationship: Each parent has a responsibility to encourage a positive relationship between the child and the other parent. This means not speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child and supporting the child’s relationship with the other parent.
Dividing Parental Responsibilities
In Florida, dividing parental responsibilities after a divorce involves creating a plan that serves the child’s best interests while accommodating each parent’s situation. An effective parenting plan details how parents will share the daily tasks of raising their child, including who will make key decisions about health care, education, and extracurricular activities. Courts usually favor shared parental responsibility, which means both parents participate equally in major decisions affecting the child’s life. However, if it’s in the child’s best interest, the court might assign sole responsibility to one parent for certain decisions.
Enforcing Parenting Plans Outside of Court
If one parent does not follow an agreed-upon parenting plan in Florida, the other parent should avoid taking matters into their own hands. Some parents attempt to enforce parenting plans by withholding child support or ignoring their own obligations under the plan, but doing so is unwise. The better approach is to file a case in court to enforce the parenting plan. Any action a parent takes outside the court system, such as retaliation against the other parent, is not permissible and can result in legal penalties.
Florida courts have several ways to enforce parenting plans. Often, they order compensatory time-sharing to make up for missed visits. This means the parent who did not receive court-ordered time with their child will get additional time to balance out what they missed. This applies even if the other parent did not intentionally disregard the parenting plan.
If compensatory time-sharing isn’t effective, the court might impose other penalties on the non-compliant parent. These can include ordering them to pay for the other parent’s court costs and legal fees, attend a parenting course, or cover expenses related to maintaining contact with the child. In severe cases, the court might find the non-compliant parent in contempt of court, a serious consequence that can result in fines, sanctions, or even jail time.
If other sanctions do not correct the non-compliant parent’s behavior, the court could modify the parenting plan as a last resort. However, any changes to the plan must still prioritize the child’s best interests and typically occur only after the court has exhausted all other options.

Modifying Your Parenting Plan
A parenting plan modification involves a change to the original parenting plan, which might be necessary as circumstances change. Parents can request modifications if they believe the current plan no longer serves their child’s best interests. For instance, changes in a parent’s job, relocations, or changes in the child’s needs might necessitate a new plan. Before approving any modifications, the court will review the parent’s requests and decide if the proposed changes align with the child’s best interests.
Circumstances Under Which Modifications are Allowed
Certain changes in life circumstances can make it necessary to modify a parenting plan better to suit the child’s and parents’ needs. Here are some examples of situations where the court might consider modifying a parenting plan in Florida:
- Job Changes: If a parent gets a new job that significantly alters their schedule, it could necessitate changes to the plan to ensure the child has quality time with both parents.
- Relocations: If one parent needs to move a considerable distance for work or personal reasons, the plan might need adjustment to address visitation logistics.
- Health Issues: If the child or one of the parents experiences serious health issues, modification could be necessary to provide the appropriate care and support.
- Behavioral Changes: If a parent exhibits behaviors that could negatively impact the child, such as substance abuse or criminal activity, the court might alter the plan.
- Changes in the Child’s Needs: As a child grows, their educational, emotional, and physical needs can change, which might prompt a reassessment of the plan.
The Process for Modifying a Parenting Plan
Modifying a parenting plan starts with one parent filing a petition in court. This petition must explain why the changes are necessary and how they serve the child’s best interests. The parent must show that there has been a substantial and material change in circumstances since the original plan went into effect.
After the parent files the petition, the court will review the request. This process often includes a hearing where both parents can present their arguments and any relevant evidence. The judge will consider the available information to decide whether the proposed modifications align with the child’s best interests. If the judge approves the changes, they will issue a new parenting plan. Both parents must then follow this updated plan.
Disestablishment of Paternity
In Florida, the law automatically assumes that the husband is the father of any child born during a marriage. This assumption simplifies legal matters related to parenthood, but it might not always reflect reality. If a man believes he is not the biological father of a child born during his marriage, he has the option to challenge this presumption and disestablish his paternity.
Understanding the Process
A man can take two main routes to challenge paternity in Florida. First, he can seek relief from a judgment or order concerning paternity within one year of its issuance. He must prove there was a mistake, fraud, or misrepresentation or that new evidence is available that could not have been discovered earlier with due diligence.
Alternatively, a father can pursue disestablishment, which is often more complex. To do this, he must file a petition that includes:
- An affidavit stating that new evidence about the child’s paternity has emerged since the original paternity or child support determination
- Results from scientific tests conducted within the last 90 days showing he is not the father or a statement explaining why such testing was not previously available
- Evidence that he has fulfilled or substantially complied with any child support obligations up to that point
Even with these elements, filing a petition does not guarantee the termination of paternal rights or child support obligations. The process can be challenging, so it is best to work with a child custody attorney if you wish to disestablish paternity in Florida.
Legal Implications
In Florida, disestablishing paternity can have significant legal implications for both the man and the child involved. After the disestablishment of paternity, the man the court previously recognized as the father is no longer legally responsible for child support payments moving forward. However, it’s worth noting that disestablishing paternity does not necessarily affect past child support payments that are already due.
Additionally, the man loses his legal rights to custody and visitation. This means he no longer has the authority to make decisions about the child’s upbringing, education, or health care. For the child, it can affect their right to inherit from the man previously recognized as their father and might impact their sense of identity and family stability. The process resets the legal recognition of fatherhood, which can have deep emotional and financial consequences for all involved.

The Guardian ad Litem in Child Custody Cases
A guardian ad litem is a person the court appoints to represent the child’s best interests during legal proceedings like custody cases. This representative investigates the child’s situation and makes recommendations to the court about custody, visitation, and other matters affecting the child’s welfare. Their job is to ensure the court hears the child’s voice and considers their needs throughout the legal process.
Role and Importance of a Guardian ad Litem
Guardians ad litem play crucial roles in Florida custody cases. These appointed individuals investigate a child’s living conditions, upbringing, and family dynamics. They aim to provide the court with an unbiased view that focuses solely on the child’s best interests. They listen to the child’s concerns, gather information from parents and other relevant sources, and then recommend to the courts what they believe is the most beneficial arrangement for a child’s welfare. The guardian ad litem’s goal is to ensure the child’s rights and needs remain a primary focus throughout the legal proceedings.
How They Influence Custody Decisions
Guardians ad litem significantly influence custody decisions in Florida by providing the court with detailed reports and recommendations about the child’s well-being. They assess the child’s environment, speak with parents, teachers, and other important figures in the child’s life, and evaluate the child’s needs accordingly. Based on their findings, they recommend custody arrangements that prioritize the child’s best interests. Courts often place substantial weight on their recommendations because guardians ad litem are neutral parties focused on the child’s welfare. These recommendations can directly affect the court’s final decision on custody and visitation, making the guardian ad litem’s role pivotal in shaping the outcomes of custody cases.
Handling Uncontested Custody Cases
An uncontested custody case occurs when both parents agree on all aspects of child custody without a dispute. This includes agreements on where the child will live, the visitation schedule, and how they will share parental responsibilities. The court typically approves these agreements if they serve the child’s best interests.
Navigating Smooth Custody Agreements
Creating an uncontested custody agreement involves parents working together to decide how they will care for and manage their child. The process starts with open communication about each parent’s desires and concerns. Parents must agree on key issues such as living arrangements, visitation schedules, and decision-making responsibilities. They must also outline how to handle daily tasks, healthcare decisions, and educational plans. Once the parents reach an agreement, they draft a written document and submit it to the court for approval. If the court finds the agreement serves the child’s best interests, it will typically approve the arrangement, making it official and legally binding.
Benefits of Uncontested Custody Settlements
Uncontested custody settlements in Florida offer several advantages for both the parents and their children, such as:
- Reduced Conflict: Uncontested settlements decrease the conflict and stress children and parents experience, fostering a more positive post-divorce relationship.
- Less Money and Time in Court: Uncontested agreements typically resolve more quickly than contested cases, saving both parties time and legal fees.
- Better Compliance: When parents agree on terms voluntarily, they are more likely to adhere to the custody arrangement, reducing the odds of future disputes.
- More Control: Parents have more control over the outcome, allowing them to tailor the custody and visitation schedule to better fit their family’s needs.
- More Focus on the Child’s Interests: Without an adversarial process, parents can focus more on their child’s needs and best interests rather than on fighting legal battles.

Communicating About Divorce with Children
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of any divorce with children involves talking with your kids about what’s happening. Communicating about divorce with children requires honesty and sensitivity. Parents should speak clearly, reassure their children, explain the changes in simple terms, avoid blame, and allow children to express their feelings and ask questions.
Best Practices for a Compassionate Approach
Discussing divorce with children can be challenging, but the following best practices can make these conversations more constructive and supportive:
- Choose the Right Time and Place: Find a quiet, private time when you won’t be interrupted to talk with your child, ensuring they feel safe and attentive.
- Be Honest but Age-Appropriate: Explain the situation truthfully while keeping the details suitable for their age. Avoid overwhelming them with adult problems.
- Present a United Front: If possible, both parents should be present for the discussion to show unity and mutual support for the child’s well-being.
- Reassure Them of Your Love: Emphasize that both parents will continue to support them and that the divorce does not change your love for them.
- Allow and Encourage Questions: Give your child the chance to ask questions and express their feelings. Be ready to answer their questions honestly.
- Provide Stability and Routine: Assure them that many aspects of their daily lives will remain the same, and clearly explain any changes that will occur.
- Monitor Their Adjustment: Keep an open line of communication and consider how they’re coping, being ready to provide support or seek professional help if necessary.
Supporting Children Through the Transition
Supporting children through the transition of divorce involves continuous care and communication. As a parent, you should maintain routines to provide stability and predictability. It’s also important to listen to your child’s concerns and validate their feelings, showing empathy and understanding. Encourage open communication by regularly checking in on how your child is coping. Additionally, consider professional support, such as counseling, if they show signs of distress.
Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Custody Case
Choosing the right attorney for your custody case is essential because they will guide you through complex legal processes and advocate for your and your child’s interests. The right lawyer will understand family law deeply, communicate clearly, and support your goal to achieve the most favorable outcome for your child’s welfare.
What to Look for in a Custody Lawyer
Here are key qualities to look for when selecting a custody lawyer in Florida:
- Experience in Family Law: Ensure the lawyer has extensive experience in family law and a strong track record with custody cases similar to yours.
- Communication Skills: Your lawyer should be an excellent communicator, keeping you informed throughout the process and explaining legal terms in understandable language.
- Availability: Choose a lawyer who is accessible and responsive to your calls and emails, indicating they will be attentive to your case.
- Advocacy and Negotiation Skills: Your lawyer should be a strong advocate for your rights and skilled in negotiation strategies to reach favorable agreements.
- Support and Understanding: Look for a lawyer who supports your situation and understands the emotional complexities involved in custody disputes.
- References and Reputation: Check any prospective lawyer’s references and online reviews to learn about their reputation and previous clients’ satisfaction.
How Tupper Law, P.A., Can Help
Choosing Tupper Law, P.A., for your child custody case in Florida means partnering with a firm deeply committed to your family’s best interests. Led by Michael Tupper, who has nearly 20 years of legal expertise, our firm offers seasoned guidance in all types of family law matters, including child custody cases. As a Jacksonville native, Michael Tupper is dedicated to positively impacting his community and intimately understands the local legal system. Our team prioritizes respect and understanding, tailoring our strategies to fit your needs. We handle every case with a balance of compassion and conviction, providing support during challenging times while vigorously advocating for your interests.
Contact Our Florida Child Custody Attorney Today
Need help with a child custody matter in Florida? Tupper Law, P.A., is here to provide the support and advice you need. Schedule your initial consultation today, and let our team work with you to achieve a positive outcome for your family.
Located in Jacksonville, Florida, Tupper Law P.A. stands as a distinguished legal practice dedicated to offering high-quality legal advice, advocacy, and representation. Our services extend beyond Jacksonville to Yulee, Nassau County, Duval County, Clay County, Orange Park, and Baker County.